Why is the hook on the end of a tape measure so loose? #shorts

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So what's the handle the hook at the end of a tape measure? Doesn't that little bit of play produce inaccurate measurements?

Well that's called an adjustable end and it's there to ensure precise measurements.

The first inch of the tape itself is in fact a sixteenth of an inch short.

And the little metal hook is exactly a sixteenth of an inch thick.

So when you're taking a within measurement, the hook fills in that missing out on sixteenth inch.

When you hook it over something for an outdoors measurement, the hook slides out a sixteenth of an inch to offset the space.

By the way, that bit slot on the end is so you can hook it over the head of a nail and measure cross countries without the need of a friend.

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Why is the hook on the end of a tape measure so loose? #shorts

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  1. Killing it with these shorts. Highly appropriate and satisfying ending with the tape measure spinning.

  2. “… so you can measure long distances without the need of a friend.”
    I have no friend, and can confirm this.

  3. Ok guys I’ll tell it. I superglued the hook of my first tape cause the “play” was this much annoying. I have a few other ones now, but I keep that first one to remember not doing dumb stuff before asking “why is it that way?”.

  4. This is so fun, I can’t believe how simple the explanation is but I never thought of it, that’s so fun to know, thank you!!!

  5. Thanks Steve! I’m really interested in that tape measure, I seem to always be on the wrong side of the board 🙂 thanks again for all your videos!

  6. You make sure I learn new things even when my brain is not particularly in learning mode. Thanks.

  7. never thought of that. I bought a really good tape measure a year ago and the only gripe I had about it was the fact the metal hook on the end was so loose and since I had opened the package wasn’t bothered to return it as I am just an amateur DIY guy and don’t do woord working or metal working or anything of that sort professionally even though I did study Engineering in college and did a lot of metal work and electrical work but the fact that it is supposed to be a feature makes me feel much better about the tape measure I purchased back then as when I went to the nearest B&Q (like Home Depot but in the UK and even has an orange logo too) all of the tape measures I saw had play in the hook (most of them were not boxed but just hooked on to and/or ziptied to a piece of plastic packaging) and I ultimately decided to go for a Makita branded one since I had recently bought a couple of power tools from them and was satisfied with the quality and the tape measure felt good too and the hook was magnetic (though it doesn’t have a slit for the nails as a result of the magnet attached to the hook and I don’t care too much about that anyway)

  8. I have always wondered why.. I have even considered purchasing measuring tameasuring tapes without that damn hook. Thank you so much for this video and explanation.

  9. Thanks so much Steve! I never used a tapemeasure for accurate measurements because of that wiggle. Now I know I can trust it!

  10. Concise, informative and entertaining. Who knew you could fit all three into 42 seconds. Well done Steve.

  11. I picked up one of those lefty-righty tapes last year, I see you’re using. Best tool purchase I’ve made in a long time.

  12. THANK YOUUUUU!!! I think about this every time I measure something and it bothers me throughout my entire project, but I’ve never taken the time to search for the answer 😂😂 No sarcasm. Dead serious. Thank you!

  13. I always worry about this! Steve answering the questions we have! Now I won’t worry about factoring the give into my measurements

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