The perfect bedside tables | NIGHTSTAND PLANS AVAILABLE


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The perfect bedside tables | NIGHTSTAND PLANS AVAILABLE

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About the Author: Woodworking Carpentry


  1. Great job Steve. Do you think that maybe a river table type of top would work just as well?

  2. Great project, if you do more hardwood projects I would love to see your take on the hard wax oils

  3. Loving the simplicity here – I’ve been nervous to start using the kreg jig but know it’ll be easy once I get going with its

  4. Idea request: I loved the knitting box you made for your wife (yay Covid lockdown playlist) – I seen myself eyeing the older wood sewing boxes that kind of accordion out but I’d love to build it myself instead of paying out the nose for something in an unknown state. Any hope for a simple/intermediate level one of these? It’s certainly smaller than your normal stuff but would make good presents… hint, hint 😆

  5. That stop block setup on the drill press looks pretty sweet, do you have a video on that anywhere?

    FYI this is the project that finally got me heading over to buy one of your plans instead of just mooching off your YouTube content like I’ve been doing all these years. Cheers from Ohio!

  6. Very nice! I have a whole bunch of reclaimed pine decking that I want to use to make a side table like this.

  7. Thanks for making the point that woodworkers stress about wood movement too much. I think one of the other things that’s good to do, and you didn’t mention, is to use the alternating grain pattern, or “sunrise, sunset”. That is, when laying out the table top pieces, alternate the direction of the endgrain— if a board points up, its neighbors should point down. That way, the expansion / contraction occurs, but it works as a force agains the neighboring boards, and helps keep the top in one piece and reduces splitting. I do this with all the tables I’ve built and I’ve never had an issue, even with relatively green wood.

    1. The technique you describe helps mitigate cupping, but does not change the side-side expansion and contraction

  8. Really beautiful work, Steve! Amazing looking nightstand!!! 😃
    BTW, for plywood does the kind of pocket screw matter?
    Stay safe there with your family! 🖖😊

  9. This is exactly the layout/design my wife asked for. For end tables, anyway. Thank you for saving me a bit of design work.

  10. Great video Steve. Not the biggest fan of pocket screws but that’s a personal preference as they are not easily available where I live e.g. not stocked in by the merchants

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