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Simple, sturdy picture frame with splined corner miters
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Very nice, thanks for the video. I also liked the outro music. You used it on the Weekend Woodworker course, fond memories.
Thank you David!
Oh man, that music is nostalgic indeed! Deep in the middle of the pandemic, discovering a new hobby and thinking about all the possibilities it’s going to bring!
I’ve been making frames for about 5 years now and I’ve found that the best way to get the size right is to have the glass cut first and make the frame to fit the glass. Then you don’t have to worry about cutting down the sides of the picture if the frame is a bit small. I also don’t like having the actual picture in my workshop, especially when it belongs to someone else, because it could get damaged. On another note, I love all your videos and look forward to new ones!
That’s what I did recently. I used the glass from a cheap dollar store frame and made my frame to fit that. Made it just slightly larger so the glass wasn’t bound up.
YES! WWMM video! happy day!!
awesome vid, hope the trip was fun. i really appreciate the hearing protection on the microphone while the table saw was on lol.
I’ve been watching some of youtube’s Fine Woodworkers recently, and I have to say THANK YOU for being you. It is such a breath of fresh air to have the reminder that A: not everything I create has to be ‘perfect’ and B: I am absolutely good enough to make things that will look great, and serve their purpose well, even if they don’t fall into ‘fine woodworking’
Hello, Steve. I loved this one, but then I pretty much love all of your project videos. I’ve made several of the past projects from the bed that I sleep on to the door mat at my front door to the holder for my paper towels in the kitchen. Thanks again for the video.
hey Steve, I know you live in CA but not sure whereabouts, hope you and none of your peoples have been affected by the fires in LA. Thanks for all the great videos – much love from the UK.
From what I’ve heard Steve talk about in the past, he’s in the Bay area. Several hundred miles to the north!
Making a picture frame is on my to-do list for this year. I’ll come back to this tutorial then.
I hope you had a nice time in Hawaii. The frame is a cool project. Good to see you again and hear Princess Meow Meow’s song, too.
Good to see you Steve, I miss the regular videos.
I thought you said it was Escape from L.A. Just kidding. My prayers are with you and everyone in California. Stay safe.
Thanks for the post/video. Also, an additional thank you for showing the whole process. Years ago I needed to make one and struggled because most folks only show their fancy frame and skip the backer, glass, etc. 😊
Always nice to see a new post from Steve! With all the ever-fancier builds out there (to say nothing of the barely-disguised tool commercials), your stuff is often a refreshing and much-needed reminder to focus on the fundamentals. Happy New Year!
Nice to see you again. Love your vibe.
Beautiful picture to remember your trip Steve 💕👏🌺 Nice job on the frame, I enjoyed the splines👍
you’re still the funniest woodworker on YT. Thanks Steve!
I like the simplicity of the spline. I was thinking you would do something a bit more complex but I love how simple you made it.
Yeah I really need to get myself a miter jig for the table saw! Love your simple projects, they’re so useful!
That was probably the straightforwardest (?) frame tutorial I’ve ever seen. Awesome video Steve!