Why did my Bathroom Remodel Take 13 Years?

I have actually lastly completed our 13-year task. We started demoing our basement restroom simply after we moved into our home. We got the sink and eliminated most of the drywall. We decided the shower was in alright shape and we left it as it was, although the outside had actually never been ended up. For many years, I have actually re-installed the drywall, replastered, and painted. We also had our plumbing put in brand-new components about 5 years earlier. It was functional however incomplete. Simply just recently we decided to lastly get this job done. What I needed to do was put a good wood sill under the window and built some brand-new kitchen cabinetry around the warm water heating unit which is beside the shower. I discovered some area beside the hot water heating unit where I could make some cubbies. Then I made a face frame to cover the cubbies and the warm water heating system making a great built-in piece of cabinets. The cabinetry has three doors that I edge banded with birch plywood edge. I installed brand-new painted poplar trim around the two doors and the shower door. I also lastly utilized the baseboard I've been saving. Now we lastly have a basement restroom that is mostly completed.

Tools utilized in this task can be discovered at

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0:00 (introduction).
0:33 (demolition).
3:18 (window sill).
6:33 (cubby cabinet).
16:00 (face frame).
17:15 (door trim).
22:16 (cabinet doors).
29:30 (conclusion).

Why did my Take 13 Years?

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About the Author: Woodworking Carpentry


  1. It’s called pressure relief valve line. In case the water heater overflows, the water will go out this line. You explained it well.

  2. For the edge banding, a carpenter friend of mine used a fine tooth file, you file towards the wood in a scissor like action

  3. My basement bathroom reno took 6 years. So I’m feeling pretty good about myself now. Thanks for this

  4. As the most frequent user of the guest bedroom and bath over the years, can attest to it looking really great! Fun to see the process and the kids when they were little.

  5. Water heaters have a limited lifetime. The new standards with extra insulation make them a different outside size. This means you will have content for another project video.

  6. Well that’s a great refit. The only critique I have is moving the upper cupboard door stoppers to the top of the frame instead of the bottom so they’re less in the way of putting items in and getting them back out.

  7. @13:25 — It was nice of Frank to stick around and help Frank carry the cabinet out of the shop.

  8. There might be an altogether better way to implement that T+P drain, but if the current one doesn’t have a small hole in the lowest elbow of the CPVC, that’s something to address.

  9. Very good turnout on the remodel. Bathrooms are the hardest because of tight spaces. Also if you do much more of the edge banding you might want to buy a trimmer. Fast cap has some and of course Azom has bunches.

  10. Seeing someone as handy as you are taking quite some time to finish projekts is really helpfull. It gives me time to breath regarding we moved into or new, old house one year ago and it feels totally overwhelming to get stuff done O.O

  11. Beautiful work, Frank! It turned out fantastic! πŸ˜ƒ
    Stay safe there with your family! πŸ––πŸ˜Š

  12. I’ve just come in from the workshop having spent all day 8+hours filling sanding the back of a piece of furniture I’ve rebuilt adapted for our bedroom to realise I’m the only person who has and will ever see itπŸ˜…

  13. I recently made a murphy bed and used edge banding for it – I think somehow we bought the same cheap iron (or at least they were made in the same factory)! When it came to trimming the excess I used a sharp chisel laid flat across the plane of the plywood board and attacking the iron-on trim at a 45 degree angle to the length I was cutting. It came off in a nice long thread the length of the panel and left a very clean blend between the ply & trim.

  14. 23:38 rather than doing that way and not getting a great finish, take the blade out, and set it flat on the surface outside the edge you want to trim, then angle it slightly so that the cutting surface is flush, and prop it up with your finger. Dragging it down will then perfectly slice the excess leaving a slightly undercut edge that will not catch.

  15. I loved the remodel. Very good explanation of what you did and how you did it. Great use of space next to the water heater. The video at the end showing the result would have been better if you slowed the panning a bit. Thank you for sharing. Have a great day and stay safe.πŸ™‚πŸ™‚

  16. In reference to the original sink cabinet, your young son says “only glue”. Shows that his watching you at work had already taught him the difference between poor and quality construction.

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