Fast cherry bowl

I have made a small cherry bowl with a racing stripe. I rough turned this bowl years back and it has actually dried into an oval shape with a tiny bit of bark invasion in one area. To complete this bowl, I cut it in half along that bark invasion and included 2 strips of maple and one strip of walnut between the 2 halves. I then glued the strips and the two halves of the bowl back together again. Then I turned the piece into a final bowl with a racing stripe.

Tools utilized in this project can be discovered at

Avid CNC:
Carter and Son Toolworks:

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0:00 (intro).
1:26 (cutting in half).
2:32 (glue up).
4:45 ().
6:69 (calipers).
8:25 (more ).
9:52 (conclusion).

Fast cherry bowl

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About the Author: Woodworking Carpentry


  1. Always love how cherry develops and changes its look over time. It’s a wood that almost bridges the gap with the way leather will patina

  2. I recently passed a woodworking course at work first time thanks to watching your channel so thank you very much Frank you legend.

  3. I love the “simpler” design. In retrospect, perhaps gluing two of the flat fillers to one half and one to the other. This would then allow each half to have an easy flat surface to glue the two halves together with flat surfaces to clamp to.

  4. After all the years watching you, it is still amazing the designs you come up with. Even a small simple Cherry bowl.

  5. such a nice bowl ! maybe one of my favorites you made, and i’ve been watching for well over 5 years. simple and nice !

  6. New camera angles, new music style. I like it. It feels as I am in the shop, not just watching you being there.

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