No Dowel Jig? No Problem! Do This Instead for Perfect Alignment

So basic and simple, however oh so precise. Using common masking tape for lining up the holes for dowels is basically fool-proof. I utilized this method numerous times after I made this video and with the very same results: perfectly lined up dowels.
Now I should mention that the tape finds the centre point precisely, however it depends on you to drill the hole directly. Using a brad-point bit is compulsory and getting a feel for drilling at a 90 degree angle is likewise extremely important. However, you can use a block of with a hole drilled on the drill press to assist direct the drill bit straight, if drilling freehand. Or simply drill the holes on a drill press if you have one.
But with that said, the holes don't need to be drilled at the precise angle – they just require to be close and the joint will fit with no problem. The crucial thing (and why the dowel centre pins stopped working) is that the holes remain in perfectly lined up on both parts, which's what the tape technique does.
Try it out on your own!

Line Up Dowels Completely the Easy Method – Vital Knowledge

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No Dowel Jig? No Problem! Do This Instead for Perfect Alignment

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  1. So simple and easy, but oh so accurate. Using ordinary masking tape for lining up the holes for dowels is pretty much fool-proof. I used this method several times after I made this video and with the same results: perfectly lined up dowels.
    Now I should mention that the tape locates the centre point precisely, but it’s up to you to drill the hole straight. Using a brad-point bit is mandatory and getting a feel for drilling at a 90 degree angle is also very important. However, you can use a block of wood with a hole drilled on the drill press to help guide the drill bit straight, if drilling freehand. Or just drill the holes on a drill press if you have one.
    But with that said, the holes don’t need to be drilled at the exact angle – they just need to be close and the joint will go together without any problem. The important thing (and why the dowel centre pins failed) is that the holes are in perfectly lined up on both parts, and that’s what the tape trick does.
    Try it out for yourself!

  2. Well I thought the best part of my day today would be easting lunch with friends then watching the Super Bowl but no. I was wrong. It was sipping coffee at 6am and watching one of the simplest and most elegant woodworking tips I’ve ever seen on YouTube. 🤯

  3. It’s so simple that it is genius. Thanks for sharing such a brilliant tip. See this is why I drop everything when a notification comes through for one of your videos.

  4. This is awesome for lining up the hole positions. The next critical piece is ensuring you drill the holes accurately for the dowels to be aligned. Of course, the dowel pins suffer from the same problem.

  5. I can’t tell you how often, I’ve just not referenced these jigs you mentioned at the right face and drilled the dowel hole 180 deg flipped or something. That can’t happen here, because you have to physically put the other piece on. I like it. Also, much better than dowel pins. They always seem to be cheaply made and not fit exactly and due to the gap, it’s easy to misalign the other piece by half a milimeter. So i’d say it has the best cost result ratio.

  6. A great solution for those of us who don’t dowel often, nice. The grain matched joint was a nice touch as well.

  7. Super tip and timing! I’m going to be working on a new project and lining up the dowels and getting tight joints was one of my stumbling blocks. Thank you!

  8. Honestly, for a man who’s been doing a lot of woodworking in the past 30 some years. Did thousands of dowel holes! Lots were perfect, lots were complete disasters. Even with top-notch jigs. Your idea? Your idea is so ridiculously idiotic that it’s absolutely genius! Brilliant! I’ll have to try that one on my next build that requires dowels. Thanks. Love your videos!

  9. Absolutely brilliant! I will not be forgetting this one. Now I just need to figure out how to integrate dowels into my next project 🙂

  10. I’ve been a subscriber to your videos since long before you became a full time YouTuber, and videos like this are why. No BS, and clever original ideas that I don’t find anywhere else. You’re the best!

  11. What is most impressive to me is how John can free-hand drill the holes straight and to a consistent depth

  12. Wow! This is so clever and I believe I may actually be able to do this! Thanks for sharing your expertise and experience!

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