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About the Author: Woodworking Carpentry


    1. The day will come when everyone will need a red x and I’m going to cash in with this red x video. #redx

  1. That’s really cool, if I knew how easy it was to make a red X I wouldn’t be spending so much on Red X’s at the store that barely last a year of Red X-ing. Does this work for green checks too or do I need to use different joinery?

  2. The red x ABSOLUTELY needs to lay flat! Thanks Steve, working up a SketchUp model of mine now.

  3. Old Red X will be missed, but together, we will grow together as a family with new Red X…

  4. I prefer Purple X but totally understand that Red offers advantages that don’t apply to my X usage.

  5. It’s really important not to rush into making a new ❌ until you’ve properly grieved for the old one. I know you’re trying to be strong Steve but it’s ok to be vulnerable and to take time if you need it. We’re all here for you.

  6. Steve! How cold hearted. No sorrow over the last red X? Immediately jumping in making the new one without any greave? This isn’t you. You really needed the extra 19 seconds to fully feel and let go of the pain before moving on.

  7. Another red X video?? What are you gonna start making coffee tables? That’s what I subscribed for!!!

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