Woodturning – With no plan ( just go with it )

A Naturel Edge Vessel turned from a piece of Horse Chestnut .

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– With no plan ( just go with it )

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  1. I’m just imagining the effect that a twinkling or flickering light would have dancing through that open side. What a marvelous piece!

    1. I was just thinking that very same thing. It’s always interesting to see a master craftsman at work.

  2. What a wonderful piece of wood turning! The patterns within this burl are amazing. The work you did on this burl has made it into a real work of art and highlighted the different types of patterns most effectively! You have made a fantastic piece and your turning skills are very impressive! How lovely this piece would look in my home!! Thanks for sharing your amazing skills. I love this video! ! All the best. Well done! Warmest Regards from Sharon, in Gippsland, Victoria, Australia. xo

  3. Beautiful piece of wood. And very nice job on the shaping to highlight that wonderful wild grain.

  4. What a lovely vase! Before you put the finish on, the burl looked like marble. Beautiful!

  5. This piece turned out really pretty. It reminds me of a flower bud just before it opens. Sometimes simple shows the most beauty πŸ’œ

  6. I love this , what a beautiful piece.. You should just β€œgo with it” and improvise more … stunning !! .

  7. I was half expecting resin to feature here, but realised that with this piece it wasn’t an option. Did you have any idea what was lurking under the surface? In the event working with what turned up was the perfect solution for a striking result.

  8. I don’t know how you do it, but you create another piece of art, without a plan, that the average person couldn’t create with a flawless plan and years of training. HA! Thanks for sharing.

  9. I love this , what a beautiful piece.. You should just β€œgo with it” and improvise more … stunning !! .

  10. Really stunning looking piece, Andy! Amazing work! πŸ˜ƒ
    Stay safe there with your family! πŸ––πŸ˜Š

  11. It’s great when an artist just goes with the flow. Wonderful piece thanks for sharing.😘😘

  12. Wonderful Andy and as someone has previously mentioned, it would look gorgeous with lots of little twinkling lights in!

  13. Andy, this is simply stunning. And you had no plan. I couldn’t come up with something in a million years. Love your work!!

  14. Burl, natural edge, AND spalting! What a wonderful combination of beauty brought out in this piece. Absolutely beautiful.

  15. That is a lovely piece! The colour of the burl and the opened part on the side makes this piece intriguing. I appreciate your skill in turning this fragile piece. πŸ‘πŸ‘

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