Woodturning – Beautiful but Hard as Hell !!

In this video, I turn a winged bowl from a Mallee burl. It's certainly one of the coolest burls to take a look at in my opinion but is extremely difficult and thick, which means it can be challenging to turn, however well worth the effort.

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The methods I use might not be the safest, so please be accountable for your own security … My videos are for entertainment functions only.

– Beautiful but Hard as Hell !!

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About the Author: Woodworking Carpentry


  1. You unlocked the magic in this burl Andy and I can imagine that you spent half that time sharpening. Thank you sir.

  2. That’s has got to be your most interesting and unique bowl I’ve seen you turn. So amazing how talented you are.

  3. You’re skill is unmatched and unquestioned, but it is you’re eye that can see the art trapped in the wood that truly blows my mind. Friday morning Zen. Thank you Andy.

  4. What a beautiful peice of wood,which you turned into something absolutely gorgeous. ❤❤❤😊😊

  5. Love all the comments for this piece, I can’t eclipse any of them so I shall just say…it’s another triumph Andy 👍

  6. Oh, Andy! If I could have asked you to do a video to help me turn a blah bowl into something worth looking at……well, this is IT! I took the plunge and paid big bucks for a red mallee burl several years ago. I did what I thought was “right” and it turned out to be so nothing that I have had it sitting on a shelf ever since. While I can no longer attempt to do what you have done so beautifully, I think I can do some corrective turning and have a piece worth gifting to a friend (what I do with most of my turnings). MAJOR THANK YOU!!!!!!!! The master teaches once again.

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