Making a Spoon

I designed a spoon in Blender. Then I carved that spoon on the on the device utilizing Aspire. The spoon is about 14" in length and has a large paddle area with spikes on the back. I made a prototype in the beginning by gluing up some pine scraps to make a big enough piece from which to carve the spoon. Then I made another version out of a maple block that I had. This was cutting fantastic till the maker for some factor flipped the piece around and began sculpting in the incorrect place. I needed to stop the device really rapidly. I then found a piece of red alder and I cut the spoon from that. I slowed the cutting process down and this seemed to assist it cut the whole spoon, initially with a roughing pass and after that with an ending up pass. I'm not exactly sure what to use this spoon for but it ended up extremely intriguing and it was a fun task. It likewise offered me concepts for future jobs on the fourth axis of the CNC maker.

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About the Author: Woodworking Carpentry


  1. I’m thinking a back scratcher is in order. May need to use epoxy to harden the spikes so they can hold a scratchier point. Just a thought. Keep up the great work!

  2. I do spoons and salad forks as 2 sided machining. I don’t know that the spoon was the best rotary project. you possibly might have carved out the bowl by orienting the spoon flat on the A axis and going back to 3D carving using XYZ.

  3. For anyone with a tough old Italian grandmother this thing would be a nightmare… Sends chills down my spine. I can envision it hanging on the wall in her kitchen with the label “Attitude Adjuster” above it.

    1. My Austrian grandmother had a kochlöffel hanging in the kitchen that she would wield whenever my brother and me and my cousins seemed to need it….which was fairly often.

    2. @Larry Fisher My cousins and i would spend summers with my grandparents. Every time we got the spoon treatment we definitely deserved it. I’m just glad she didn’t wield this weapon of mass destruction. Lol

  4. Could you use your 4th axis machine for making micro wind turbine blades? That would be a cool form to see rise in time lapse out of a block of wood!

  5. “Timber!!” That was awesome background video while on the radial arm saw! Do not EVER stop making videos, Frank!

    1. For a split second I thought his workshop door was open and a tree was falling in his backyard. lol!

    2. I came to the comments to see if anyone else noticed that cause it was so subtle! I’m glad others saw it too… (pun intended)

  6. After all the time modeling, attempting, remodeling, attempting, and attempting once more… “What do I even do with this?” You had me laughing out loud when I heard that!

  7. Great film working showing the footage of that tree falling you took down as you cut a piece of wood from that tree. Always a treat watching your videos Frank. Thanks

  8. Frank thank you for showing your trials and errors in your projects vs just showing it perfectly working. It truly promotes persistence in my own projects. Love your videos!!

  9. Very cool to see the chuck plate in action.

    Was being able to transfer from the CNC to manual lathe in mind when you designed it?

  10. So impressed with this guy’s ability to design, engineer and produce some of the ugliest things I’ve ever seen!

  11. There were some really cool closeup detail shots while you were working frank! Love to see the evolution of your filming!

  12. With my limited experience running 4th (and 5th) axis CNC machines, I would suggest you look into a setting in your g-code post-processor called “inverse time”. From what you showed, it looked like some of the moves were pretty jerky and “inverse time” would help with that a bit. I’ve done exactly what you showed in this video where you replace the Y axis with the A axis and I found that I had to turn the “inverse time” setting on. Essentially it interprets the feed speed a little different. Normally, the F value in the g-code says move from pt A to pt B at F speed. With “inverse time’ it flips that and says move from pt A to pt B in F amount of time.

  13. Frank, I noticed you’ve been using a belt-pack respirator in the last few videos. Which one is it? Do you like it? I’ve been thinking of getting one to wear when cutting dusty woods on my lathe, but I’m not sure which one to get. And even if I settle on the 3M one, they sell a crazy number of variants.
    Oh, and the spoon thing turned out nice.

  14. I think if you do this again should not use wrap the y axis for the finishing path. instead use the 4th axis to index/ turn the piece each pass. Anyways great content. Love the cnc woodworking regardless of the end product’s utility.

  15. To achieve a better finish on things like the spikes, could you use your pressure vessel to impregnate the wood with epoxy? Harder woods will be better than alder but I think you still get breakages with your more complex shapes.

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