Woodturning – I wasn’t sure what to make with this !!

I've had this odd shaped piece of Burr knocking about the workshop for a couple of years, so thought it was about time I developed an use for it.
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– I wasn't sure what to make with this !!

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  1. Beautiful!! ❤ My favorite aspect of these vids is not finding out what they are until the very end

  2. wood cast in clear resin is such an underrated and underutilized combination. i think the distorting and magnifying effects of the clear resin provide much more interest than mica powders or other colorants. would love to see more projects like this!! 👍

  3. You can take a lump of nothing and produce a beautiful piece of art off the top of your head, whereas I can have a pantry full of ingredients and still bore myself to tears having cereal for dinner because I can’t figure out what to make. 😂🤷‍♀️😉

  4. Hi Andy, YES !! I win, I guessed you were going for the lamp !! But I thought of the inside of the column being lit up. Once it was polished and spinning, it looked like fire burning.

  5. One of my favorite things to do is to watch the video before reading any of the comments so I can guess for myself what is being made. In the first 20 seconds of this, I was hoping you’d use clear resin to preserve the view of the burl, then I was thinking it would make a really nice lamp base. I’m so glad we had the same thought! 😁 My idea was a bit different from your’s, but I think your idea was better for preserving the beauty of the piece. I was trying to think how it could have been illuminated in such a way as to diffuse the light through the resin to highlight the grain.

  6. Absolutely stunning! This is priceless as it shows your God-given talent! Bravo! Magnificent!

  7. I’ll be damned, I had no idea where you were going with this and just look at that beautiful lamp… Great work, I love it.. ❤❤❤❤❤

  8. Really like the clear resin on this, shows the wood off perfectly. Did not think it was going to be a lamp…brilliant!

  9. Those are usually my favorite, that piece of stock where you can’t remember where it came from but you just know it’s time to make something out of it.

  10. I absolutely LOVE this! As others have said, it’s so unusual to see clear resin used in this way! Beautiful! ❤

  11. Andy, thank you again for your excellent craftsmanship. This is a beautiful table lamp!!

  12. Even you wasn t sure, it came out something beautiful. As always do. Thank you for posting here.

  13. Flames, quilts, and burls. Always great choices. I’ll second the other comments lauding the clear resin, too. I enjoy the colored resin, but I really like the clear resin to let the wood shine in its natural beauty

  14. I really like the look of the clear acrylic with the wood. It adds a new dimension when viewing the piece. I think that you should do more of those.

  15. At @3:20, when you are using the Forstner bit, there is a cool star pattern on the wood from the woodgrain and patterns + rotation. ❤

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