Woodturning ASMR – The Unknown Burl (No Mid Roll Ads)

I was offered this old dry and have no hint what tree it is from, but what I do know is its a really cool looking , which is all that really matters. I constantly try and keep burls as large as I can when them so with this being the shape of a I thought it needed to be a to reveal it off the very best. I finished it with a natural mineral oil …

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– The Unknown Burl (No Mid Roll Ads)

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About the Author: Woodworking Carpentry


  1. It’s so simple, and that’s precisely what makes it So Beautiful. Absolutely love it.

    1. Простые вещи доставляют истинное наслаждение!

  2. I love that you didn’t attempt to smooth the outer part of the bowl perfectly, the holes really add to the overall look of it .. fantastic 👍

  3. The moment I saw the word burl I knew what to expect – the simplest of forms to let the wood speak for itself with nothing but a rich varnish to bring out the grain. And I was not disappointed. I particularly liked the random irregularities in the rim and holes. I could feel the wood telling you where to go.

  4. Burl’s are amazing. Every time I see one I think of you Andy. Long live woodturners

  5. I love the way you’ve left all the natural faults and holes in. It would have been so easy to just carve it all away, but this shows the wood in all it’s natural beauty! ❤

  6. Да, с сувеля всегда интересные поделки выходят👍❕Удачи❕

  7. So lovely just letting the wood speak for itself. I find it very fascinating watching as the steps as you hollow out the inside go from steps down from the rim to steps up in the middle

  8. Stunning piece, Andy! Amazing work!!! 😃
    Stay safe there with your family! 🖖😊

  9. Gorgeous. I loved the simple elegance of this whole video. The burl was beautiful, the bowl has a great silhouette that takes great technique and shows off the wood. The editing wasn’t distracting. So good. So so good.

  10. Simple, elegant form. Exquisite figure. Absolutely love it! Andy. you’ve done it again! 👍

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