Does it really look like an Onion πŸ§… !!

Here's a quick video of me turning a natural edge hollow kind. This blank was offered as an Oak Burl blank, however it is undoubtedly not Oak, I believe its Horse Chestnut which I believe has wound up with more character than the Oak would have had.

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Does it really look like an Onion πŸ§… !!

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About the Author: Woodworking Carpentry


  1. I was happily surprised with your final product, but if I’m being honest, I was kind of expecting, at first, a large natural edge bowl.

  2. You can really see the trapped souls trying to escape lol. I really like the natural finish of the top, very glad you left that feature as apart of the final product.

  3. Jupiter!!! Oh Andy that is a thing of Beauty, I’m from ‘Ol Blighty myself but have been five years in America now so looking at that Beautiful piece of Horse Chestnut made me look, here they call that a Buckeye Burl…. Well done on another Gorgeous piece, you are so inspiring.

  4. Sometimes the simple shapes are the best. I’m no expert – I wouldn’t know oak from smoke – but whatever wood this is made from certainly deserves its moment in the spotlight.

  5. Stunning piece, Andy! Truly amazing work!!! πŸ˜ƒ
    Stay safe there with your family! πŸ––πŸ˜Š

  6. I always love it when you put the finish on and all the hidden/surprise colors and patterns come out to play. It’s beautiful Andy.

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