Utilizing the MidJourney Artificial Intelligence to create a woodworking project. Given you by Squarespace. For 10% off your very first purchase, go to:
Whether you like it or not AI is going to play a big part in our lives and will change woodworking forever. Instead of looking for motivation on Pinterest you can now have MidJourney prepare endless possibilities. AI can help in the design of woodworking jobs by generating special styles, enhancing material use, and simulating the ended up product. This can enhance the design procedure and produce premium results.
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AI did design usable stand. It is probably used as wood clip – when towel is rolled it wedges/clips in between 2 sides and stands like that
This was interesting! I like the idea, and I feel like it could definately help with the research / inspiration phase. I don’t do a lot of woodworking, but sometime I make my own stuff. I think it’s extremely satisfying to make your own design. I’m currently making speaker stands for the speakers I made. It’s coming together nicely. They are in the same style and same veneer / paint combination. They are quite litteraly made for eachother. That’s where I assume this AI would miss the mark although I have not used it so can’t say for certain. But I’m assuming it can’t take the considerations of how it would work in the room or work with existing furniture etc. Thats why I think it would still be mostly for inspiration, similar to how you did it I guess with scaling it. Nicely made!
Beautiful work, Dave! It looks fantastic! 😃
But yeah, it would be impossible to follow the drawing to the letter, but doing like you did the results are fantastic!
Stay safe there with your family! 🖖😊
Excellent! You are really on to something with this concept. I’m really looking forward to more projects like this.
Love it 👍 I’m not s woodworker and would never make this 😉 but these kind of videos are really fun to watch!
In regards to the AI, as a designer myself, I see it as a great sketching tool but I also appreciate that there will be alot of ethical and other discussions to be had around the topic.
Also I can totally get that some graphical illustrators and people making stock images, might be worried by these technologies.
If you haven’t, check out the YouTube artist Jazza and his explorations of AI, very interesting stuff.
Beautiful design! Thanks for showing us a new way to make.
Awesome project! I could see using this to come up with a concept sketch much quicker than I do now. I feel like I waste a ton of time trying to take broad based concepts and making them into furniture that is proportional and good looking.
Very cool build, David. A take on design I had never seen before this video! Would definitely want to see more of this.
That was awesome, thanks for the video!! We definitely need to embrace the AI and use it to make new designs like this.
This turned out great. I would love to see it on a bigger scale. AI is just like all technology, it’s a tool that will take time to become common place. Let it inspire you just like you use everything else to inspire you.
We have to think of AI as a “loyal wingman” that helps us out, not necessarily our replacement. Imagine having a non-judgmental person to talk with to openly share our thoughts and ideas with. I think our future looks more like having a dedicated assistant than robot overlords.
Love watching you work! Taking AI, using Malloof and making it a Piccutto!
I haven’t been able to get AI to work for me with the few times I have tried it, but I think this was a cool exercise. And, it turned out pretty great. I like the fact the design changed due to how you wanted to use it.
Hey Dave! Great video.
I listened to your podcast, Making it, where you discuss AI and design and liked your thoughts on it.
I quite liked this video where you took a 2D idea generated by a computer and added your own 3D touch to it.
Thank you! Appreciate you listening and watching!
It seems to me that people only seem to take AI seriously when it comes for their specific livelihood. Replies to this video are split between people who say embrace it (read: it doesn’t affect my livelihood yet) and people who say it’s a plagiarism machine (read: it is an imminent threat to my livelihood). Love your video and process, but my 2 cents would be your time is better spent creating one of your own unique designs rather than bending over backwards to make a physically impossible (and let’s face it honestly: not great) AI design work.
That was a really neat idea to start a project. Honestly – most ideas nowadays are just mutations of other ideas we’ve seen before. Love how that turned out in the end. Fits the bathroom really well!
First, cool AI project! I’ve been dying to see what you were inspired to make since hearing about it on the podcast.
Second, halfway through, I was like there’s so many missed opportunities for jokes with these references and measurements. You brought it all around. Did not disappoint lol
I’m new, this is the first time I’ve watched one of your videos. To be honest, the entire time I was like “this is gonna look like 💩” I was doubting your skill, especially when you started carving the base (the thought of making the tower part level specifically). Then in the last minute, the best comeback story since Kim Kardashian.. you pulled it off. It looks amazing! Super glad you used dowels to support the holder! I smashed the subscribe button too 🙂
This is such a cool concept for a video and fantastic execution! Whether we like it or not, I think that generative AI will continue to gain traction, and I am curious (and a little scared) to see how it influences our lives.
Love the towel holder! I’ve used the same search technique to find a close approximation of a bookcase I want to build. After that, I fleshed it out on paper. I’m excited to start building it. As for A I and being afraid of it…yes, a little but I’m not sure why. We’ve all been using forms of it for years.