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Embark on a journey of craftsmanship as we diligently construct an ageless traditional table utilizing distinct woodworking strategies. Join us in this captivating video where imagination fulfills tradition, showcasing the artistry behind developing an one-of-a-kind piece from carefully chosen wood. Discover the charm of handcrafted furniture and witness the distinct process that brings elegance and character to every detail of this remarkable pieceDo you have a concept, a task to work on or a proposal? Please leave a remark listed below. We will do it for you.
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What kind of sander is that? What grit of paper?
This is a wonderful job :
Parabéns ficou muito Top 👏
Sounds like the blade is knackered or the machine is!
Crammed with small nails and won’t last
Peccato che in secondo tempo l’abbia rinforzato con le viti. Volendo poteva mettere dei tasselli in legno passanti da lato a lato
Молодец 👍👍👍
Đơn giản quá
Bravo mi hai dato un’ottima idea per fare un tavolino divisore tra i divani 👍
Beautiful table