A modern take on a classic table anyone can make.

make a standard in a modern-day method. For 10% off your first purchase, go to:

Cherry Wood from Kencraft:

In this I make a classic however streamline the process with pocket hole and rabbet joinery. Get the simple to follow step-by-step strategy here:

Affiliate Links Tools Used
Table Saw:
Big Awkward Ruler:
Tapering Jig:
Double Sided Tape:
Yellow Push Block:
Beading Router Bit:
Router Lift:
Pocket Hole Jig:
Aluminum Bar Clamps:
Lathe Tools:
Flush Trim Saw:
Little Bandsaw:
Table Top Fasteners:
Shellac Complete:

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Easy woodworking . End table.

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About the Author: Woodworking Carpentry


  1. Great work! Love how your shop has come together! I love all the art on the walls and lights and everything!
    Do the colors on the walls ever mess with your eyes trying to color match or things like that?

  2. Great video as always. David awesome project. It turned out very unique and beautiful. Hopefully you get great use out of it for many years to come my friend. Can’t wait to see more videos soon. Keep up the great craftsmanship and hard work my friend. Keep making. God bless.

  3. If anyone is concerned, rest assured that the Shakers would definitely have used pocket screws if they were available. The central ethos of the whole style was balancing the practicality of both construction and function.

  4. I’d like to think that the shakers being as practical as they were would have used pocket hole joinery.

  5. Nice remake of that table. I like the rounded bead on the bottom of the skirt. I think you got your beard too close to the bandsaw, but glad to see it grew back quickly.

  6. I seem to remember Christopher Schwarz visiting a shaker museum( Enfield?) and taking pictures under the original pieces and finding pocket holes with wood screws….maybe the shakers did pocket holes.
    Love your energy and take on life!

  7. Beautiful work, Dave! 😃
    Incredible looking little table!!!
    About the shakers(?), they did use pocket holes! They didn’t have a fancy jig, but they did use it. If I’m not mistaken Rex Kruger showed an old shaker piece where he found some!
    Anyway, stay safe there with your family! 🖖😊

    1. I love that too. Do you remember one of the videos with an impact driver sound in the background of anything that was used in the making process? These visual/sound effects are my favourites 👍

  8. 8:42 Wait, what? Hey, you changed your shirt!??! Well, now that’s continuity for you!
    Nice build, David!

  9. As always with your videos, you crushed it! Looks easy enough for me to think about making as soon as I can work in my shop without getting frostbite. Love the Midwest!!

  10. I’m making almost this exact same thing right now for my daughter & have been trying to decide what I want to do for the drawer & attaching the top. I’d forgotten about those figure-8 table top fasteners. Thanks for the video!

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