Woodturning – Weird when I started & Weird when I’d finished it !!

In this video I turn a Banksia pod into a small winged strange looking hollow kind.

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Woodturning – Weird when I started & Weird when I'd finished it !!

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    1. I don’t even have trypophobia but the thumbnail made me intensely uncomfortable.

  1. 😮 it looks like an ancient oil burner from 2000 years ago! That is so so cool! The holes and whorls are facinating

    1. It looks like a reverse pine cone. Neat to see Aussies chime in and talk about their experiences 🙂

  2. I had to look up what a banksia pod was as I had never heard of one before. What a curiously creepy kawinkydink from down under, lol. Very interesting piece, Andy.

  3. Coolest turning of a banksia pod ever! They’re usually drowned in resin and turned into a vase or a lined coffee mug. This is beautiful and unique! Thank you!

  4. Every single time I watch one of this guys vids it ends with showing us a masterpiece.. Best wood turner Iv seen on YouTube.. hands down..

  5. Weird but strangely attractive.
    For a second I thought it was a genie lamp. 😂 ❤

  6. That is weirdly stunning!
    Hardly surprising when the family of _Banksia_ plants were named after the naturalist/botanist who took 2 greyhounds on an already overcrowded ship to Australia and all around there (IIRC Cook’s “Endeavour”. It’s not 7am yet, give me a chance!), and noted that kangaroos could even outrun them! Anyone who loves hounds is a good person in my book, and is usually pretty weird too (we’re on our 8th in over 30 years, usually more than one at a time, are often in overcrowded homes lol), so this fits perfectly! 😂

    Seriously, it’s like nothing else I’ve ever seen and is a stunning work. It’s a perfect representation of his many discoveries on that voyage, along with its many difficulties. I don’t know what you had in mind on deciding to do this, whether you were attempting to recognise Banks in it or not, but IMHO, you more than did the great man justice 😊

  7. Hi Andy, When you started, i was like” wtf is he going to do with that.” Your level of creativity, just blows my mind!!! What an amazing piece. Love your work.

  8. How very like you to turn one of these differently from everyone else! Stunning work!

  9. That changeover from spinning to the reveal I audibly gasped. Almost alien and wonderful.

  10. When I first saw it in your hand i thought it was somee type of coral, great to get a history lesson along with watching a wood guru create this unique piece, thanks.

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