Creative DIY Ideas Using Wood For Your Home // How to build a DIY wooden folding ladder

Innovative Concepts Utilizing For Your House// develop a do it yourself wooden folding ladder
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  1. На лесенках нужно было попрыгать и узнать надежность конструкции. За идею + за качество и надежность – – – – – – !!!

    1. That wouldn’t hurt but with board that thick it will be fine. Especially since he’d using screws not nails.

  2. very nice video and design. Please add a locking mechanism, so the ladder will not accidentally close . Thanks for sharing

  3. Good job👍😉, I would like to know the measurements of the wood used for this project

  4. buena idea gracias por el tip , seria bueno que tambien conpartas las medidas de tus proyectos

  5. *As an amateur with woodworker, I typically feel overpowered with the entire arrangement. Be that as it may, this arrangements drove me through with much clarity and effortlessness **** I now work like a genius. That is great!*

  6. Nice job. Only thing I would’ve done differently is to also cut the top and bottom of the supporting legs at an angle so the “A” has a wider stance for better stability. Come to think of it, I would also screw some supporting blocks under both sides of each step. Be sure not to screw into the grain (cut) side of the wood. This will give greater strength to the steps.

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