Top 10 Inspiring YouTube Channels for Makers! (Plus 10 more!)

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Top 10 Inspiring Channels for ! (Plus 10 more!)

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About the Author: Woodworking Carpentry


  1. I already subscribe to half of these and know about many of the rest. A great selection and good variety. As a fellow watcher of too much YT, I appreciate the recommendation here. Thanks for sharing!

  2. This was really cool! As a fellow creator, I find it fascinating to see what channels people love and why they enjoy them.

  3. Colin Furze is a very entertaining maker. Recently found him and have been binging the tunnel project.

  4. Fantastic list, Dave! Thanks! 😃
    Check out Peter Sripol as well, specially the airplanes he built and flew… And I mean on board, not rc. 😬
    Anyway, stay safe there with your family! 🖖😊

  5. What a great video! Thank you! I too watch youtube more than any other streaming service and always appreciate a good channel suggestion and I just got 20 of them! Well, several of them I already subscribe to but there were definitely some gems in there I had never heard of. Thank you!!!

  6. Just a small glimpse into why you are one of my favorite channels to watch. I watch for the story telling, Tips and Tricks but most of because you are guy worth hanging out with.

  7. Great video! Thanks for the content even though your feeling bad! We appreciate it Dave!👍

  8. Awesome list. Keep up the great craftsmanship and hard work my friend. Keep Making. God bless.

  9. Nice list! I have gotten to meet 3 of those people. Peter, Mark, & Dan. I think that Dan is one of the most underrated creators. His mind is BRILLIANT! Those are some good “should have mentioned” as well. I love Smarter Every Day.
    One other to note would be Izzy Swan. That guy comes up with some of the craziest, but awesome creations!

  10. Aging Wheels and UnderDunn are extremely entertaining. Bourbon Moth Woodworking and Lincoln Street Woodworking are also brilliant.

  11. I would add Stuff Made Here, Nerdforge, DiY Perks, and Evan and Katelyn to the list.

  12. 20/10 list. Glad I already watch most of them as my Watch Later backlog is large enough as is.
    Hope you’re resting up well.

  13. From one Dave to another. Get well soon! There was only one other content creator/influencer I could think of “Make Something”

  14. Dave, I love top 10 lists. This list is definitely going on my Top 10 Top 10 Lists List.

  15. Sampson boat company, this channel is an amazing insight into the complexity and ingenuity required to remake an old boat, the dedication and sheer scale of it is amazing

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