I'm lacking area and decided to give the JET Flip Top Benchtop Device Table a try and see if investing the money deserves the time I 'd conserve making one.
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Jet Flip Top Stand:
Is the Jet flip top stand worth your money?
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Ouch, at $300 I would’ve built my own. They have no way to store or plug in your power outlets. Missed opportunity.
$300 doesn’t sound unreasonable. I think it is a decent purchase, especially with the cost of plywood right now! Also, you make review videos worth watching. The big question is, would you buy it again?
It’s $800 in Canada lol $300 sounds about right for what it is though
Maybe if they included some cable management and had add-on options like adding extension wings for a miter saw it would begin to approach that price.
But as it is, almost any woodworker could make the same basic stand out of mostly scraps in a day. Especially since there are approximately 5,000 YT videos on how to make one.
Not worth $300 to me.
Entertaining as all heck. $300, plus you can’t just drill a hole for cord management like you can plywood and – the deal breaker – it doesn’t come with locking casters. I made one based on DIY Montreal’s plans – it’s on casters, sturdy as heck, and has a drawer!
Did you pull up the carpet?
And i’m glad I saw the cord struggle. That’s the one thing I never thought about all the times I debated on getting/making one of these flip top stands. I wonder what everyone normally does about it? If you don’t run both cords to a two in one outlet and then plug that in after the flip.. I guess you can put some cleats on each side and wrap up the cords before the flip and unwrap the tool you want to plug in..
A lot of people build in cord management when they make their own. Just search flip too stand and you’ll find endless diy videos.
Pretty interesting bench indeed, Dave! 😃
It seems to work fine! Awesome review!!!
Stay safe there with your family! 🖖😊
Thanks for doing this review video I actually considered purchasing this and just finished building my own! I’m glad I did… It definitely came out to less than $300 and I’m really happy with it. As far as the cords go, if you were able to drill a hole and feed the cord through so a power strip can be mounted on just one side that would be one solution. I haven’t done that yet so I’ve just been wrapping the cord around the tool before flipping.
Personally, i still like Fishers cart design. Its a box that flips on the center vs. a platform. Cords run into the box, plug into a strip, strip cord runs out the side. No cords to mess wrangle on the flip, cheaper, and i modified it to be tall enough to put my planer on
Yeah the biggest disappointment here is lack of cord management. Could have worked something in for $300.
I wish at $300 they had lifting casters or something. I ended up building my own awhile back with scrap plywood. It’s not the prettiest thing in the world, but it carries my sander and planer.
My dad had a Craftsman 3 in one flip table back in the 90s. It was built great but extremely heavy. Hard to flip, and sawdust got gummed up in the flipping mechanism. It is pretty much a workbench now.
Crazy they are charging so much for this. I like jet, but that one is a bit hard to swallow. I’d rather spend the money on wood to make it and have tons left over. Seems like it’d take nearly the same amount of time to cut it out and assemble that it does to unbox and bolt together the manufactured one. A while back I was reading some vintage workshop or shopnotes from the 60s and there were plans in it for a flip-top stand too. It’s so crazy how long these things have been around and only now are companies manufacturing them haha!
Like others have said, “I made my own.” I actually made two: one for scroll saw & belt disc sander, the other for spindle sander and grinder. To solve the cord issue I mounted the tools on a spinning box that’s about 6 inches tall. Inside the box I wired up a receptacle (remove the tabs to separate the two plugs) to two of the plugs that attach to computer style cords. The top tool’s computer plug is always at the “back” of the cart (the carts have drawers at the bottom so there is a front and a back). I bought 10 foot long computer cords which are easy to plug and unplug when I need to flip to the other side to use that tool, then replug into the back plug to power the current tool. It was a lot of work but this way I never have cords flying around the cart which you would with the power strip solution. And the computer cords are fairly safe even when you leave them plugged into the wall since there are no exposed prongs that would be energized, like my first solution that I quickly found to be a shockingly horrible idea.💥
Thanks for the video, David. It was fun to watch. I have built three of these for my shop (back in the day when plywood was not worth its weight in gold) I love them.
You didn’t have to say anything bad about this thing. Showing it being put together and flipping it made sure I’d never buy it. You made the table look like the version of something you don’t want in an infomercial where the struggle to assemble and operate is almost comically horrible. Thanks for the video🙂
I’ve made my own, but for me they have to be on casters. The whole point of having the flip top is space, so not being able to wheel this out then back away makes it no good.
The video is great though. I thoroughly enjoy watching everything you put out! It’s like you’re on casters and have drainage!
Dave, absolutely love your recent videos! Your sense of humor has me laughing throughout. Keep it up!
You’re so good, you made the bench abs flip table be out of square by the same amount!
Neat review! If you picked the right tools you could put two back to back on each side and double your space!
Stay passionate and FLIP something 😀
Maybe if they included some cable management and had add-on options like adding extension wings for a miter saw it would begin to approach that price.
But as it is, almost any woodworker could make the same basic stand out of mostly scraps in a day. Especially since there are approximately 5,000 YT videos on how to make one.
Not worth $300 to me.
You just keep making videos, I don’t care if it’s about tables, go carts or crumby beer. I’m watching. Thanks for the content as always.