Creative And Unique Woodworking Projects // Build A CabinetThat Combines A Very Smart Folding Table

Imaginative And // Develop A CabinetThat Integrates An Extremely Smart Folding
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Creative And // Build A CabinetThat Combines A Very Smart Folding

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About the Author: Woodworking Carpentry


  1. Cara essas suas ferramenta é de primeiro mundo parabéns me amarrei nelas e no seu talento também👏🇧🇷

  2. I’m SO impressed with what you’re able to do! I wish I had your skills, but I became an English teacher instead.
    My dad was a builder and I love wood things and I’m trying to do some beginner woodworking, but I’m a tiny (4’9”) woman, so I can’t do much at my age and skill level, but I compliment you for your genius work!

  3. I use to like to make stuff and have a few drills and saws left over. He’s inspiring me to get up get busy make something.
    I took 8 wood papers and laid them out as foundation for the outside patio I built. Laid 1/2 inch plywood over them and framed it out stained it and then put end post all four corners cemented into ground then put white plastic post over wood post and attached white fence railing around 3 sides to post. Then attached a canopy over whole thing. Force woman not a bad job. Took 2 days. I was 36 then I’m now 70.

  4. Boa noite, muito pratico, parabéns, se possível informe as “medidas” com o plano de corte que utilizou neste projeto, desde já um abraço

  5. I love this. Can you please start including the measurements during your cutting scenes so we can build the same things?

  6. Perfektná, praktická skrinka 2v1 👍👍💓 šikovný mladý muž 👏 táto skrinka by našla uplatnenie v každej domácnosti 😉 pozdravujem zo Slovenska 🇸🇰 a prajem veľa tvorivých nápadov 😀

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