Woodturning – I thought it was risky using this burl !!

In this video I turn a hybrid goblet with 2 captive rings, I believed they were possibly some inclusions in this Burr but not as big and deep as they were, I showed the very first section I needed to resin in the video but the additions were all down the stem so there was a great deal of work off video camera to try and stop the important things blowing apart.

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– I thought it was risky using this !!

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About the Author: Woodworking Carpentry


  1. Beautiful Andy! I think this is my favorite challis I have seen you do. That burl turned out Great! Cheers Mate – M

  2. Woah! The โ€˜bowlโ€™ of the goblet has a transparency about it which I love.
    Fascinating to learn how you make the rings around the stem.
    What a wonderful medium to work with, wood is surprising, one never knows what lies beneath the gnarled exterior.
    Youโ€™re a very clever man Andy ๐Ÿ‘

  3. Wonderful, as all master craftsmen you make it look so easy ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

  4. Gorgeous as usual, Andy! Would also have looked nice as a stemless goblet, but then it would have lost the rest of the Burl, which is beautiful.

  5. Beautiful! I especially love how delicate you make your creations. I like the thin delicate workmanship. Thank you once again. Awesome crafting sir.

  6. Beautiful goblet I look forward to your videos thank you for sharing your craft with us

  7. This is beautiful, I love the translucency you have with this and the wedding goblet. Captive rings are their own kind of magic and the burl really adds to that visual, shame you said it was so hard work.

  8. Andy this is a great double captive ring goblet. A great gift for a wedding or an anniversary. I love the way the resin makes look like a fire. Iโ€™ve said it before your simply amazing with your ideas.

  9. That is such fun, especially the contrast between the swirling cloud of the resin and the heavy patterning of the wood. One of your classic designs made new every time by the unpredictable texture of the wood. Well worth the effort – I can quite understand any hesitancy you felt about using this burl – it did start to look a bit dodgy at one stage but you pulled it through.

  10. AMAZING, Andy! Really stunning work! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
    Stay safe there with your family! ๐Ÿ––๐Ÿ˜Š

  11. Oh, Andy. When you choose a resin color that’s compatible with the project’s wood component, it turns out extremely well! Many thanks! ๐Ÿ‘

  12. I have seen this same project so many times, but it’s still a real treat to watch someone with your skill execute a classic wedding goblet. Thanks for sharing the videos.๐Ÿ˜Ž

  13. I often find the contrast between the tradition of old wood and the modern resin pleasing and beautiful. I have an Oak burl I’m thinking could make a nice platter with the addition of some resin.

  14. Very nice Andy. You have different tools than some of the other turners. And you put them to good use!

  15. Donโ€™t believe I could ever get tired of watching you make these Captured Ring Goblets. Each one, though similar, is distinctly beautiful โค๏ธ

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