Transforming a Cheap Ikea Cabinet Into Modern Fine Furniture

Transforming a cheap cabinet into a gorgeous beverage cart. Brought to us by Squarespace. For 10% off your first purchase, go to:

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★ TOOLS/ PRODUCT USED IN THIS PROJECT ★ (Affiliate Hyperlinks).
Table Saw:.
Miter Saw:.
Angle Grinder:.
Track Saw:.
Gorilla Glue:.
Large Bandsaw:.
Yellow Push Block:.
Flush Trim Saw:.
Crazy Router Table:.
Scroll Saw:.
Rayjet R400 Laser Cutter:.
Little Bandsaw:.
Drill Press:.


Transforming a Cheap Ikea Cabinet Into Modern Fine Furniture

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About the Author: Woodworking Carpentry


  1. Love how your mind works! From humor to creativity. Also, I cracked up when said, if you don’t have a scroll saw, use your laser.

  2. I was really hoping this one would end up on Facebook marketplace like one of your previous builds. Thanks for the great content!

  3. Amazing work, Dave! It turned out mad!!! 😃
    The red with the light color wood is a perfect match!
    Stay safe there with your family! 🖖😊

  4. You have a great level of skill when it comes to design and detail and bend over the top looks amazing great job

  5. I had so much fun watching this video!
    You really made me laugh and it looked like you had so much fun making this.
    The cabinet came out superbly and it’s a brilliant idea.
    Edd the duck… don’t think it went unnoticed 😂

  6. One of your best recent projects! Really love the final product, and the kerf bending was great to learn about! Keep doing what you’re doing, David!

  7. This may be my favorite upgrade project yet! And did I hear some new tunes on this one? Always funky and fresh, just like your mom. 😁 Thanks for sharing!

  8. You are on a roll with these new videos! Your passion is evident and these are so much fun to watch.

  9. That cart was inspiring. Really like how that turned out. Thank you for your content.

  10. This one is definitely amazing looking! Your thought process is definitely unique and it shows in your creativity. Patiently waiting for the next video, you never disappoint.

  11. Wow that turned out amazing so very cool would definitely love to see more videos like this

  12. Oh man…LOVE THIS! Yes, please, more IKEA hacks! Love watching you think through these projects and doing things on the fly!

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